Soccer manager 2013 download
Soccer manager 2013 download

soccer manager 2013 download

He said only about 1.74% of pirates would have purchased the game had a crack not been available, which sounds small but adds up to $3.7 million in lost revenue. Sports Interactive is good-humoured about the astounding figures, with Jacobson commenting that it would be "ridiculous" to equate the piracy with lost sales. One illegal download was apparently made form inside the Vatican. Another 1.05 million were from Turkey, and Portugal and Turkey came in next with 781,785 and 547,7000 respectively. Of the 10.1 million pirates, Jacobson revealed the largest chunk came from China, with 3.2 million downloads. Speaking at the London Games Conference 2013, as reported by MCV, Football Manager producer Miles Jacobson said the game was cracked in May 2013, but the crack included a feature allowing Sports Interactive to log the IP of everybody who nabbed it illegally. Over 10 million people illegally downloaded Football Manager 2013, and its developer knows the IP address of every single one of them.

Soccer manager 2013 download